Frequently asked questions

Where are Stéphanie de Bruijn perfumes made ?

Stéphanie de Bruijn perfumes are all made in France, at 52 rue de l'Université, in the 7th arrondissement of Paris.
Recognize the address? Yes, Stéphanie de Bruijn makes each of her fragrances in her boudoir-laboratory.

I have a problem with my order. Who can I contact ?

Every order is prepared with the utmost care. However, if you encounter a problem or if you have a complaint, you can contact us by email at contact@stephaniedebruijn.com, or by phone at +331 82 10 32 97, we will find a solution together!

Is there an additional charge for choosing the delivery option ?

No, Colissimo (in France) delivery is included in the price, so that you receive your order without any problem!

Can I personalize my perfume bottle ?

The personalization of the bottles is possible on demand with the option " engraving".

How can I order a personalized bottle ?

To personalize your perfume bottle, you can choose yourengraved text directly when you order your perfumebox.
By adding 40€ to the price of the chosen fragrance, you will receive your engraved bottle within 15 days.

Whats is the delivery delay for my order ?

Prêt à Parfumer orders will arrive in your mailbox within 5 to 7 days. For the Initiation formula, you will receive your personal fragrance few days after your first appointment.
If you have chosen the " Ultimate Experience" formula, you will take all the time you need with the perfumer to find the creation that will speak to you. The delay is specific to each person !

Can I come and try the fragrances in the shop ?

If you're strolling through the streets of the 7th arrondissement of Paris, don't hesitate to drop by the Boudoir at the 52 rue de l'Université, Stéphanie will welcome you with the hospitality that characterizes her, Monday to Friday, from 10am to 6pm. For a moment alone, you can also make an appointment via the contact form. You will be able to take the time you need, with the perfumer, to find the fragrance that will seduce you.

Who is the Custom Perfume Experience for ?

The Custom Perfume Experience is for customers who want to get away from the traditional mass market perfumery and find their olfactory signature, but also for those who want to understand the process of creating a fragrance by putting themselves in the shoes of the alchemist, or for those who just want to change their habits and embark on a changing experience ! This Experience is also a memorable gift to give to your loved ones.

How do I choose my tailor-made formula ?

2 tailor-made formulas are available :

  • the Custom-made Perfume - the Ultimate experience : for those who wish to live the complete experience of sur mesure, and have a personal fragrance declined in several formats, to make different uses of it.
  • the Custom-made Perfume - the Initiation : for those who wish to set foot in the world of custom-made fragrances, and start by composing a bottle of their personalized fragrance with the perfumer.

satisfied or refunded

For the " Pret à Initier " , If the ceation didn't bring you satisfaction, it will be 100%refund with a gift voucher.     

In what form will I receive my Custom Fragrance ?

With the Initiation custom-made experience, you will receive a 100 mL bottle of your fragrance.
By choosing the Olfactory Evasion custom-made experience, you will receive 5 different bottles, suiting your desires.

I finished my Custom-made-Perfume. Can I re-order the same ?

You can of course re-order your personal fragrance.
By going to your personal space, or by selecting the "Refill Bespoke Perfume" in the online shop, you can refill your bottle ad infinitum.

What is the mix & match, which you mention in your site ?

Mix & match is a practice that is developing more and more, which consists of experiencing the joys of creating an assemblage by yourself, wearing several different fragrances one on top of the other.

Do you have recommendations for the mix & match of your products ?

L’île aux cygnes, Cashmere, Saint Honoré and Le Sully blend together particularly well! We let you discover this new bouquet by yourself...